Yogyakarta Chosen as Venue for Highlight Celebration of Indonesian Air Force’s 78th Anniversary

The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) is gearing up to commemorate its 78th anniversary with a spectacular showcase of its dedication to the AMPUH program. AMPUH, which stands for adaptive, modern, professional, superior, and humanist, represents the Air Force’s commitment to evolving with the times while maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and humanity.

Scheduled to take place in the scenic Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) on April 22, 2024, the anniversary festivities promise to be a celebration of the Air Force’s achievements and its ongoing efforts to serve the nation.

Colonel (Pnb) Ardi Syahri, the Head of the Air Force Information Service (Kadispenau), emphasized the significance of publicizing the anniversary events as part of the broader initiative to introduce the AMPUH program to the wider community. Under the leadership of Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) Marshal Mohamad Tony Harjono, the AMPUH program aims to modernize and professionalize the TNI AU while ensuring its operations remain people-centric.

Ardi highlighted the humanist aspect of the AMPUH program, which will be prominently featured during the anniversary celebrations. These activities will not only showcase the Air Force’s capabilities but also serve as a platform for engaging with the community. By fostering closer ties with the public, the TNI AU hopes to garner support for its future endeavors and strengthen its role as a protector of the nation.

As anticipation builds for the milestone event, all eyes are on Yogyakarta as it prepares to host the grand celebration of the Indonesian Air Force’s 78th anniversary.

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